I went and played soccer tonight. I wasn't going to play soccer this session because of the money, but Josh decided that he was going to play anyway and so
why shouldn't I have fun if he can? So I am. And his sister, Kallee, and her husband, Duncan, are playing as well.
We played against the
Red team tonight. They are pretty good and really rough. Our team always seems to have beef with them every time we play them.
And all of my bruises will give proof to that. I got knocked down quite a few times. Even though we lost I feel like we did better this time than last time. But the big tall girl that scored all of their goals knocked me down hard. It was one of those hits that knocks you off your feet.
My feet literally came out from under me and I landed on my back.
It was pretty epic. Everyone said it looked
awesome. It hurt, but I popped back up and brushed it off and kept playing. I had a few other small knock-downs, but there was one in particular that I'll never forget. We were all fighting over the ball in their goalie box when I went running for the loose ball and the goalie dove for it. I could not stop and as he went on his hands and knees
I went over top. But I got stuck.
I was high-centered on top of him. He was a really tall man and so I could not reach the ground on either side. I kept trying to get off, but he kept moving in the opposite direction, which made my attempts
I was stuck! It seemed to go on fOREVER! It was mortifying and awkward. lol. If he would have just dropped down then I could've touched the ground and pushed myself off, but he didn't. Finally, he tried to get up
which sent me flying off and flipping through the air and landing on my back. Ya, even the Ref was completely shocked. He came running up just to make sure that I was ok.
Hahaha. I was embarrassed, but fine. The only thing injured was my pride.
But I brushed it off and jumped right back into the game. There was one girl on their team that would fall to the ground any time anyone even barely bumped her. It was ridiculous and annoying. But anyways, it was super fun and a great workout! Here's my stats:
Timer: 43:42
In Zone: 43:42
Avg BPM: 176
Peak BPM: 217
Calories: 831
Today was my first day of healthy eating. It was ok. I know that I'm not quite ready for clean eating, so
I am just trying to eat as healthy as I can. But no sweets! And I only get
one free meal a week. Hopefully each day I get better and better until I can
Eat Clean! That is my goal. As well as
get my portion control fixed so that I can lose some weight and a lot of my body fat. Here were my stats for the day:
Goal: 1200
Food: 2445
Exercise: 377
Net: 2068
Ya, if you can't tell their calorie burn for the soccer game is about
half of what my HR monitor reported. I don't know which is more accurate, so I am just going to list them both. But according to MyFitnessPal
I am screwed in the diet department. lol.
Better luck tomorrow. Good night friends!