Monday, September 10, 2012

September 10, 2012

Went and played a little soccer tonight. The other team was a monster. They were playing so sketchy. Throwing elbows and fists, tripping and shoving, and even bullying the poor little ref. And this game actually sent me backwards heels over head once and a half. Ya, I got hit pretty hard and she clocked me in the face with her arm on my way down. Heard my nose crunch, but at least it didn't bleed. Luckily, I had it cauterized when I was younger to prevent bloody noses. But the other girl on my team wasn't as lucky. The same girl hit her in the face and caused the blood to gush. They were absolutely brutal and the inexperienced teenage ref was calling it all on us because the other team claimed it was our fault. It was so frustrating. maybe that's why my HR was up and Iburnedsomany calories. jkjk.
But I didn't exercise this morning because I knew there was soccer tonight. But when it came time to play I wasn't warmed up at all, and I just couldn't get in my groove. Now I can't decide if it's better to exercise the morning of or not. I want to be loose and ready, but not worn out and pooped. Maybe I'll have to start doing a light routine on Mondays. Well, we're pretty much broke so I don't think we'll be able to play after this session anyway. dangit. But at least I was able to play tonight. I just love soccer! And any time I can play to get my exercise I'm a happy girl.
But I'm going to complain just a little more because I want to... my stomach was seriously cramping - I don't know if I'm starting my monthly or if it's because my digestive tract has been upset all day because of all the fiber I've been eating and I wore shorts with a really tight waistband, and my feet slide around in my shoes way too much, I had a headache from getting clobbered, and I couldn't run as much because I was sick all last week and I still have tons of gunk in my lungs... Ok, I'm done complaining. I just needed to get that out of my system. Thanks for letting me vent. I still luvd it, but next time they're toast!

Timer: 49:41
In Zone: 49:41
Avg BPM: 184
Peak BPM: 218
Calories: 988

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