Sunday, March 1, 2015

Exfolimate Review

     Ok, so I swear I have the fastest growing body hair on the planet! But the hair on my head never grows at all. Lol. Does anyone else feel this way or is it just me? And the saddest part - I hate hair. Every time I shower I shave. Girls are always laughing about how they feel bad for their husbands because they turn into wooly sheep during the winter. I'm not one of them. I can't stand going three days without shaving. It's horrible. And I shave everything. Literally everywhere from the neck down is game. It's such a hassle. And the irony is that my grandmother didn't have hair on her legs. At all. And one of my best friends in high school didn't have hair on her calves. Mother nature hates me! She is so cruel. jkjk.

Look at that handy dandy wrist strap on my Exfolimate!
      If you shave regularly then you know some of the side effects. I was so desperate to shave while camping once that I tried shaving my legs completely dry. BiG MistaKe! I had shaving rashes and burns all over my legs. It was miserable. And last summer I was working out twice a day and say I was shaving once a day at least. My armpits had the worst razor burn and they always seemed to have ingrown hairs. And no matter what oils or creams I use I always end up with ingrown hairs in a place that you try to keep as "pretty" as possible. Red bumps down there isn't something anyone wants to see. That's some scary stuff!
      Recently, I was tempted to even start shaving my face because of a talk show on the radio! They were saying that a recent study was claiming that shaving your face will give you younger looking skin. Really?! But there was noway that I was going to try that because I didn't want to risk growing back double the hair with extra thickness. Apparently, that's just an old wive's tale. Or so they say. If you're brave enough go ahead and try this one out for me and let me know your results. I'm still a little too sheepish to take that plunge. Plus, that would mean more shaving! NOOOOO! And what happens when you're snogging and your 5 o' clock shadow starts scratching your hunk's face??! No thank you! I don't need any more embarrassment in my life.
       But it makes sense. Exfoliating gets rid of the old, dead, dry skin and actually leaves younger, healthier skin on the surface. So, you are left with a more youthful glow. The glow comes not only from the fresh skin, but also the increased blood flow from the movement and pressure.. More blood circulating means more oxygen reaching the cells which leads to healthier skin. You still can't convince me to shave my face though! That's why I LOVE this new product I have been using. It solved this whole issue for me. It's called Exfolimate.
     It's an Australian design that helps to exfoliate your entire body. It comes with a body tool and a face tool. When I first opened the package I was actually kind of scared. They look like razor blades. And like I have said before those ain't going near my face! But I soon realized they're actually quite nice. I didn't get cut. And I DID use it on my face!
     The first time I used it in the shower and I noticed that they did exfoliate, but not as drastically as I was expecting. I guess I thought I was going to left with raw red skin like you do after a chemical peel. That's not the case. They remove just enough skin that you're left with nice skin that you can go out in public and sunlight with. Hooray!
    I noticed the biggest difference the second time I tried them though. The first time I used them in the shower. The second time I used them in a bath. I poured some Adovia Dead Sea Salts into the hot water and soaked for a minute before using my Exfolimate. Holy Cow! They worked extremely well this go around. And it felt soooo... GOOD! The pressure of the blades running along your skin is like this insane massage. I swear you can actually feel the blood circulating as you run it across your body. The only thing that could make it better is if someone else was doing it for you. I tried doing my feet, but my feet are outrageously sensitive. I couldn't stop squirming and jolting from the tickling torture. But it worked like heavenly magic everywhere else. I didn't find a whole lot of build up on the Exfolimate itself. But I found it when I tried shaving afterward. After every stoke I had to clean all of the dead skin out from my razor. I know it's gross. But that's how good this product works!
     Normally, I have to apply lotion the second I leave the shower or else I dry up and look like the dried and cracking ground in the Sahara Desert. But as soon as I was done I was interrupted by my two year old who wanted to get ready for bed. I had to put my routine on pause and take care of her. To my amazement my legs were still soft and silky when I finally got around to lotioning! Say what??!! Yep, you heard me right. That's when I decided that these little tools were my new best friends. And for the next two days I kept rubbing my legs and touching my skin. I couldn't keep my hands off myself. They were still the softest and smoothest they've ever been! If you've ever heard angels sing please insert music now.
     Last night I was unable to use my Exfolimate and today I regret it. I opened a brand new razor last night and I can already feel the prickly hairs today. GRRRrrr! But when I used the same brand of razor that was 4 months old with the Exfolimate my legs were smooth for days! Ka-ching! I found gold!
     They even removed my Keratosis Pilaris! Don't worry it's not contagious. Although it sounds scary it pretty much just means I have too much skin. Have you ever had those bumps on the backside of your arms? They almost resemble pimples, but they're not. It's just extra keratin. Well, Exfolimate got rid of them! YaY! Silky smooth skin everywhere!

Instead of soap on a rope it's a thing on a string!
    Now if you're thinking that any hard piece of metal will do the job. You're wrong. These little tools are actually an Australian design with more than meets the eye. They have little micro-grooves that help to remove the dead skin. And they're perfectly grooved to get in all of the right places. You can do your jawline, neck, chest, armpits, groin, legs, feet, and almost anywhere else you wish! And unlike sponges, rags, loofahs, and those puffy mesh balls you don't have to worry about bacteria growing in them!  Even better news for your skin! They also come with cute wrist straps to keep you from dropping them in the shower. Which also makes them more convenient to store.
     So if you suffer from dry skin, ingrown hairs, or Keratosis Pilaris then you should give these a try. Or if you are planning on getting a spray tan these are a must! Even if you just want soft, smooth, silky, younger looking skin, or you want a really good massage then you should give these a try!

You can get them for points from Walgreens HERE.
Directly from their awesome site HERE.
for Amazon points and free shipping HERE!

And as they say on their website
  G'day Mate!

I received this product free of charge in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

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