Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day One


For the past month, my brother has been on a Vegan Challenge. Not against anyone. Just himself. He has tried to eat Vegan for an entire month! and he has pretty much succeeded! I am absolutely amazed! He has always been one to be different, but never healthy. The men in my family have always scoffed at my eating, and grocery choices. They thought soy milk was absurd, and that fat was the foundation of the pyramid. But during the month of February, my brother ate tofu, soy milk, whole wheat bread, and vegetables!
I have tried for so many years to get my family to eat healthier, but they have always refused! I was always known as the Loon in the family. But now, Ryan, Melissa, Joshua, my Mom, and my DAD! are all eating healthy! How in the world did this happen?? Now, we are fighting over the last slice of wheat bread, and arguing over spinach. I am so confused???
Growing up, we only ever had white bread and sugar-loaded cereal. I can't even figure out what some of the ingredients in the cupboards are now. But it has happened at the worst time. I have been eating junk for the first time! Slowly, Josh has taken me to the dark side. Three weeks ago, I ate my first slice of pizza with the cheese still in tact. In December, I ate my first french fry in 8 Years! January, I ate my first hamburger since early high school. What has happened to me?? and to be honest, I am addicted to all this junk now. It is absolutely terrible!

So, my brother, my sister, and Chelsea, have all inspired me a little. I am going to begin a 30 Day Challenge of my own. :] and this is the first day of it. Luckily, Kandice, responded to my post on FB and she is beginning a 30 Day Challenge as well. Yippee! I love support.
This morning, I had a little vigorous exercise of my own before Josh went to work. ;)
But then I caved, and ruined my first day. :( I indulged, and finished off my hamburger from yesterday. It was supposed to be my "Last Meal." But I didn't finish it. I put it in the fridge. Why did I put it in the fridge??? I ate a 1000 calorie hamburger! ugghh. No wonder I felt sick afterward. I didn't bother to look up the calorie content before. But I did today. 1,000 fatty, kill you, clog your arteries, preservative-packed calories! GROSS. But oh well. I can't do anything about it now, so I'm not going to punish myself or give up.
For lunch, I had 1 cup stone-cut oatmeal with 1/2 cup frozen berries, and a sprinkle of cinnamon.
For a snack, I polished off the rest of my wheat thins... Not good. Those are loaded with all sorts of salt and other chemicals. oops. And I had a peach Light N' Fit yogurt. Dangit. That is full of fake sweeteners. Horrible.
But I did sip on my Amazing Mango drink by Bolthouse Farms. YaY! I did two things right! I've also been working on my water. Three points!
And at 3:30pm I did Jilian Michaels' 30 Day Shred workout video. It's only 20 minutes, but it's better than what I've been doing!
I'd say this is pretty good so far .... for my first day. I'll make improvements, but at least I'm trying, and not just procrastinating.
Right now, it feels impossible, but I know once I get good habits started, and beat my addictions I'll be feeling way better! This is going to be hard, but worth it. I am going to try to post every day for 30 days and watch my progress.
But as always, it's the beginning, so I must post measurements and goals:

Weight: 135.2
Water: 50.8 %
Body Fat: 30.3%
Muscle: 49.8 lb
BMI: 23.0

Neck: 14
Armpits: 34.50
Chest: 34.75
Belly Button: 33
Waist: 35.75
Hips: 40
Thigh: 23.50
Knee: 15
Calf: 14
Ankle: 8
Bicep: 10.50
Forearm: 9.25
Wrist: 6

Those are some pretty scary numbers if I do say so myself. Eeek! But I just need to remind myself that they are not going to stay this way for very long. They will be way different in April.

My GoaL: By July 2nd (my birthday), I want to be down to my fighting weight (115 lbs). I want my BMI down to at least 18. And I want only 15% body fat.
That is a difference of 20 lbs, and half my body fat. That is going to be a drastic change! I've been there before and I loved it! But if I find it is too unhealthy, unsafe, or disgusting I will change my goal. That is the good part about this, I can stop when I want to. The hard part is getting started, and the hardest part is staying committed!

But I'm up for the challenge!

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