Saturday, August 15, 2009


I never feel good anymore. It's like I'm always sick. It's so frustrating. I blamed it on medication and stress, but I took a break from both and I still felt awful. So, I've been trying to figure out what's causing it.
I finally talked to one of my friends last week and she reminded me that I'm hypoglycemic. Oh ya, I totally forgot! Honestly, I don't know anything about hypoglycemia except for the fact that it means I have low blood sugar levels.
She also has hypoglycemia and told me that I need to do some research. She says it can be a pretty intense disease and needs to be managed or else it can really mess things up. Usually when a doctor diagnoses LBS they try to educate and help you correct it as much as possible. You can't cure it, but you can control it so that the symptoms aren't as bad. Well, when I was diagnosed it was by accident. The doctors were actually looking for neurological and cardiovascular problems and so they didn't really care about the hypoglycemia.
But I've finally started looking into it a little and I'm freaking out because I haven't been taking care of it and I've probably made it worse now. And not to mention, if it's not controlled it can turn into diabetes within a few years. Aahh! I don't want diabetes!! I have relatives with it and I really really don't want it.
I went and got a book from the library and I've been doing some research on the internet, and so I'll have to tell you about it when I'm done. But so far it looks like I'm going to be making some major and I mean MAJOR lifestyle changes. oh boy, an intense lifetime diet is on its way. This is like the worst thing that could happen to a sweet-tooth sugarholic like me! lol. see you soon!

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