Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Beginning. Commitment #1

ok, so I decided that it is time to get serious about getting in shape! And I figured what better way than making a public commitment! That way I can't back out of it and I can't cheese it. So, here is my commitment to you... I am going to get fit and I am going to take you every step of the way! And I think you should join me because I really would have to get completely serious about it!
I am starting today, but I already took my free day for the week, so technically I'm starting tomorrow. lol. Now you may be asking, "What is a free day?" I have to reward myself, so one day a week I get a free day to eat whatever I want... ok, not quite whatever. I can't go and binge 9,000 calories or something. lol. It's just a day where I can treat myself a little. And it can be any day I choose.
Ok, so here's the embarrassing part.. I have to post my measurements. Noo! But this will be beneficial, so I can really see the progress. But I think I'm going to make it every monday. So, tomorrow I better pray I'm skinny, so I don'e humiliate myself. jk jk.
But I'm gonna keep track for the entire month of August. So far I have exercised some, but I've eaten absolutely terrible.
Saturday, August 1: 138 lbs. Aagghh!! That is the scariest number I've seen in a long time!
Sunday, August 2: 135.8 lbs. That's a little better, but still absolutely horrible!!
Here is the commitment part.. I will not eat any breads or breadlike substances, desserts, candy, chips, or caffeine for the rest of the week! wish me luck! lol.
I'm going to be going through some major withdrawals, and it won't be the caffeine. I actually don't have a problem with caffeine. I only have had it a couple times this year, and I started drinking it for the first time in my life last year. I have gone four years of my life without candy, but I'm such an addict now, I don't know if I'll survive a week! Dessert isn't that big of a deal for me either because most of them I don't like. But it's the breads that are going to be my ultimate killer! Carbs are so my weakness!
But no worries, I'm going to do this! and I'm gonna stick to it! Just wait and see! And it will so be worth it in the end! I think the trick to surviving this week will be to have plenty of substitutes around. Here are the foods I'm allowed to eat: fruits, veggies, meat, and dairy. Oh, and lots and lots of water!!! oh ya and sugar-free gum is allowed too!
I'm not too worried about portion control just yet. I just know that I'm going to be having such major withdrawals and cravings that the most important thing this week will be cutting out the "naughty list." After I survive this first week then I'll start adding more rules. But I think.. scratch that.. I know this will be hard enough for me! Wish me luck this week! And I wish you the best of luck with all your goals and aspirations! Luv Ya!

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