Wednesday, August 29, 2012

August 29, 2012

I woke up this morning and thought about running, but I decided that two days in a row for my first week back is a good reason for a day off. I knew that I was going to be mowing the lawn later on so I didn't feel too guilty.
But I didn't spend the whole morning being lazy or anything. I was entertaining Hallie, picking up the house, washing dishes, doing laundry, and figuring out the budget. I know that it doesn't sound like much, but trust me, with a four month old it is. lol. And can I just tell you how much I HATE  money right now. I don't know how we're going to survive, but I've gotta find a way to bring in more money or else yours truly will be living in a cardboard box on the streets by Christmas. ugh.

After crunching the numbers and racking my brain trying to figure out the next step and wanting to strangle a certain someone it was time to mow the lawn. And I was so Glad! Because all I wanted to do was go for a good run and pound the cement. But instead I got the chance to shove the mower around and mulch up the yard.  :]
But when I went to leave I remembered that Josh took my car today. He has driven his all week, but the one day I actually need it he took it. Of course. lol. So, I packed up the stroller and we got started for Grandma's house. As we walked I decided to try and sing primary songs and nursery rhymes to Hallie to stimulate her mind since I had both hoods up completely blocking her view of anything while trying to attempt to block out the scorching 1:00pm Utah sun. But I was struggling to remember the words to most of them so I resorted to naming shapes, listing the colors, and then finally counting.... with every step. Up to one hundred. And then again up to one hundred. Which got me wondering how many steps are between her house and mine? Which made me realize that I probably don't get my 10,000 steps in every day. Bummer. But I'm pretty sure she lives a quarter of a mile from my house. So, I'm probably not burning very many calories, but it's better than nothing. One of these days I'll have to test it.
But I got there and got started right away. I was worried that I was going to be bored because I forgot to pack my ipod. But I wasn't. The time actually passed by surprisingly fast. I can't quite remember what I was thinking of while I mowed though... probably just about the lines and how I somehow manage to never get them straight. hahaha. But mowing the lawn did just the trick! I was much more relaxed after I was done. My hands are pretty blistered and sore, but at least I'm not as stressed. Next time I mow angrily I'll be sure to wear gloves. lol. But anyways, here are my results from mowing:

Mowing the Lawn
Timer: 1:18:17
In Zone: 1:18:17
Avg BPM: 134
Peak BPM: 150
Calories: 909

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