Monday, August 27, 2012

Run with Hallie

While Josh was off hunting I was able to get Hallie and I on a sleeping schedule. YaY!!! We were going to bed between 9:30 and 11:00 PM and waking up between 5:30 and 8:30 AM. It was awesome. But then Josh got home. We started to get off of it a little. But I decided I couldn't let that happen. So, we are back on the schedule, and we're getting him on it too.

This morning I was awake at 7am, but I needed to pump and was really uncomfortable so I layed in bed and waited for Hallie to wake upBut she didn't. So around 8am I went in and woke her up. Mean huh? jk. No, it helps to keep her on a good schedule. While I was burping her I snacked on some Swedish Fish and felt bad with every bite. lol. Not to mention, my tummy was extremely upset after Saturday and Sunday's nut binges. I don't know why, but for some reason I never feel good after them and I have to use the toilet a lot. And it's weird becauseHallie is always a lot more fussy, gassy, and upset the day after as wellSo I think I might need to avoid nuts for a while. Sad day.

But while I was sitting there I remembered the race I wonAnd then I ate a few more Swedish FishAnd how I promised myself that I would start training and conditioning for it. And I ate a few more Swedish FishAnd it's too late to run because it will be hot too now. A few more Swedish FishBut it looks like there's a lot of cloud cover. A few more Swedish FishBut the sun is still out and it will be too uncomfortable for Hallie. More Swedish FishBut if I don't do it now then I won't do it at all. A few more Swedish FishI'll just start it tomorrowAnd I ate a few more Swedish FishI'll make sure to wake up super early and do it with Hallie. And I ate some more Swedish FishIt really can't be that bad out there. And then I ate some more Swedish FishOh just get off your fat butt and burn off those stupid Swedish Fish before it gets too hot!!! So I did.

It felt so good to be running again! I am so glad that I was able to convince myself to get off the couch and start the day off right. Plus, it calmed Hallie down. She had been crying ever since I fed her, but she didn't fuss at all on the run. Another good reason for me to run. Dangit. lol. I was only going to run around the block (which is 3 miles), but I decided that since the weather was so nice I had better just go for it and do the big block which wasn't very much farther (only 3.74 miles). And here are my stats:

Run with Hallie in Jogging Stroller

Miles: 3.74
Time: 40:33
Avg Pace: 10.85 m/mi
Avg Speed: 5.53 mi/h
Cals Burned: 391

Timex HR Monitor/Watch
Time: 38:23
In Zone: 38:23
Avg BPM: 187
Peak BPM: 205
Cals: 782

I am not sure which one is more accurate on the calorie burn, but I sure hope it's my watch! My goal is to run five times a week until the race. But if not, then at least three times a week.

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