Saturday, January 9, 2010

Day 6 and 7

So, I guess not eating or drinking enough during the 24 hours after giving blood can still really affect you. I was trying to jam to my music while cleaning my room yesterday and I kept getting really winded and tired. Then my dad asked me to help him install the new water heater because the other one broke. First we had to carry the new one in from the garage and down to the basement. He said I needed to start working out on the BowFlex. I will admit my muscles felt super weak. Then we had to carry the old one up the stairs and out to the garage. Going up the stairs backwards carrying a super heavy appliance wasn't the best idea. We made it upstairs, but then I had to stop and take a break. My heart was pounding a mile a minute, I was completely winded, everything went fuzzy, I heard buzzing, then I could hardly hear anything he was saying... I nearly passed out. It took me forever to feel ok again. Then we still had to carry it out to the garage and down a short stack of steps. No worries, we made it! But there for a minute, I didn't think we were going to. I thought I was going down for sure. lol. Which I thought was really weird cuz I had already consumed nearly 900 cals. But all is well, and now I have more motivation to drink my water and train my muscles!
I gave myself the weekend off. I tried to still consume plenty of healthy foods, but did not concern myself with counting calories. I figured my body needed to catch up anyways because it wasn't doing too good, and I don't want to go overkill. I mean it kinda sucks because I didn't make any progress on diet. But I did hop on the elliptical for 1hr 40min yesterday and burned 1000 cals. But that's ok because I ate way way more than that. lol.
I don't feel as good as I was last week. I think it's because of the junky food I ate. It's super hard trying to get back on track. Either I gained tons of weight from all the crap I ate or else my body caught up from donating blood. :( I hate watching numbers go up.
But it's all good. I'm still doing better than I did before. As long as I keep progressing that's all that matters. I just gotta make sure I eat better today and exercise tonight.
Wedding dress shopping saturday was kind of a bummer. I don't like the way I look in them. I totally look huge. I don't like it at all. In high school I was a size 4. Now I am a size 6, but not in all of the dresses. There were a few that wouldn't zip up all the way... I have to lose this extra chub. We're going looking tonight. I don't want to go. I don't want to do it again. bLah. Ok, well I'm out.

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