Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Day Off

I took the day off because it was Josh's day off. It's just too hard ...and embarrassing to workout when he is home. He said he was going up to the mountains, but never did. I probably would have tried to workout with him home, but he doesn't help with the baby, so it just makes it impossible. I have to try and get her to take a nap usually so that I can exercise, but between him and visitors it just makes it too difficult.
So, instead I entertained Hallie and cleaned the house all day. I was able to keep pretty busy all day long though which was good. I can at least say I wasn't a lazy bum adding on the calories and pounds. I was able to lightly clean the bathroom, do the dishes, and do the laundry in between feedings and fits and so I can say I feel pretty accomplished. I just wish he would at least hold and/or entertain Hallie while he watches tv. It would help out so much. But what can I say, we females are the more accomplished gender... we can multitask. lol. Love them both. :]

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