Friday, July 27, 2012

July 27th, 2012

Well, I didn't get to mow the lawn this morning like I wanted to because it was raining. I guess I'll just try again tomorrow.
It was a pretty rough night though. I was able to get Hallie in bed around 11:00, but Josh was still up. I finally convinced him to come to bed, but then he kept me up with his movie. And he kept freaking out on the baby monitor. I've talked to many people that have told me that their monitors make random annoying beeps too. But Josh can't handle it. He kept screaming at the thing. Like that's really going to make it stop. Geez. So then he kept turning up the volume of the tv to combat the monitor. At one point he asked me to scratch his back so I was in hopes that it might calm him down. Next thing I know he jumps up grabs the monitor and slams in into the headboard. I thought he might've broken it, but it was ok because it started beeping again not too long afterwards. I don't know who's the bigger baby- my husband or my three month old. lol. Luckily, I woke up to Hallie fussing in the next room at 7:00am and discovered that he had not only turned off the monitor, but had also unplugged it. Seriously??? Was that really necessary? He has been doing this since she was born. I used to stay awake paranoid and scared because I couldn't hear her because he would turn it off so that he could sleep. And then I just started sleeping out on the couch so that I would be able to hear her. Once she started sleeping in her crib I found myself sleeping on the couch with her on his particular cranky nights. I always shut the bedroom door so that he can get his sleep, but it doesn't seem to lift his mood much. But when I found that he had waited for me to fall asleep last night to turn the monitor off again I was ticked. I was really hoping to be able to get out with Hallie and get away. But we were trapped inside due to the weather, and lo and behold it was his day to not go in until 1:00pm. Hallie and I ended up falling asleep on the couch, and then he came out around 10:30  and fell asleep until noon.

When she finally went down for an afternoon nap I knew I needed a really tough workout to beat the stress out. And I chose the perfect one... Insanity's Max Interval Circuit. I was kind of frustrated when I started it and it said that it was an entire hour long though. That is a loong time to exercise! Especially since I knew it was going to be hard, and with my luck Hallie wouldn't sleep the whole time. Which she didn't. 10 minutes into the workout and I was already wanting to quit. Thirty minutes in and I thought I was done for. Forty minutes in and Hallie woke up. I paused it for a second and ran in and grabbed Hallie and laid her on the couch hoping that she'd be entertained watching me hop around for 20 more minutes. It kind of worked. Although, at one point she scared the crap out of me because I turned around and there she was laying on her back with her head dangling over the side of the couch cooing and giggling! Aaahhh! I have no idea how she did that because I had laid her on her belly parallel with the couch, but that will be the last time I lay her on the couch alone.
The workout was absolutely brutal though. It's the first time I've ever attempted it. I've never followed the program long enough to do some of the workouts. And I really don't ever want to tackle it again. The length of the workout and the intensity of the exercises was just too much to be enjoyed. And plus, I didn't burn as many calories as I was hoping. But I should've figured as much because I couldn't do the moves to their full extent. Although I did burn quite a few in all actuality. My calves are sore from yesterday and I just didn't have the energy. And I think I might've been trying to preserve some of my oomph to last the entire 60 minutes. Now I know why they put the word "max" in the title. It'll be a while before I attempt this one again.

Insanity - Max Interval Circuit
Timer: 1:00:44
In Zone: 1:00:44
Avg BPM: 179
Peak BPM: 203
Calories: 1158

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