Saturday, July 21, 2012

July 21st, 2012

Saturday, July 21st, 2012

I really wanted to make up the calories from the previous night, but I wasn't sure if I'd be able to. Luckily, I had promised my parents that I would mow the lawn for them. I set my alarm for 6am, but because Hallie had kept me up for most of the night I couldn't drag my butt out of bed until 7:30am. I had to feed her, pump, eat breakfast, get dressed, pack the stroller, and get my gear ready before we could even leave. And then we walked there (about .25 miles). Once we got there I had to get everything ready, and of course nothing would go my way. The brand new mower would not start for me! My mom and I tried everything. Finally, I got desperate to get it started before the sun was blazing so I got the old rusty one out. And thank heavens it started! But it was already after 10am and the sun was up and scorchin'. It has been a long time since I mowed the lawn, so all my callouses are long gone. And I didn't realize it until the blister popped on my thumb. Too late. Once I band-aided and gloved up and got started again I realized I was getting a blister on my heel. Then I had to go get another band-aid. I got going again only to realize that my other heel was starting to hurt and the bandaid had shifted on my previously blistered foot. I gave up. I kicked off my shoes and decided flip-flops were the way to go. Not safe. I know I know. But a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. I worked hard and was able to get the front and back yard completed just a little after noon. But the edges didn't look so hot because I didn't use the weedwhacker because I don't know how to use one, and the wheels of the mower had ridden atop the cement edging causing it to be uneven. Sorry Dad! lol. I'll do it better next time.

 But hey! Shoving and yanking that heavy old rusted mower was some pretty good exercise! Especially since I was still slightly sore! I have no idea how many calories I burned though, so I'll have to measure it next time. But hopefully I get to use the new mower next time which will pull me around instead. Because of course it started on the first pull for my dad when he got home later on. Seriously??!!! Geez. lol.
After I finished the yard I downed my protein shake I had prepared earlier and two jugs of water. And then I enjoyed a super delicious tuna sandwich that my mom prepared for me. (Note to self: olive oil mayo is great and bread and butter pickles in super fine pieces and TOMATOES are the secret to making amazing Tuna Sandwiches). After feeding Hallie and lounging on the couch for a bit my mom drove Hallie and I home. But along the way we stopped at the local Farmer's Market to peek at what goods they have this year since it was the first day it was open. There was not a single piece of Fruit or Vegetable there! Seriously???!!!! It was all vendors selling their creations alongside a cupcake stand and 2 shaved ice dealers. what in the world happened to the FARMERS??!! Oh ya, Syracuse bought the farms and sold it to build businesses that have gone bust. We've been jipped! It broke my heart. I'm crossing my fingers there will be some as the season progresses though. Please cross yours for us as well. lol.

Once I got home and fed Hallie again and she fell asleep for her afternoon nap I dragged my tired butt off the couch and decided I better workout before I miss another day of exercise.
I decided to try a DVD that I borrowed from my mom. While I was at her house I decided to borrow a few so that I could mix things up and not get bored with mine. I was going to take more of her Insanity workouts, but then she offered a series I had never heard of before. It's called the Supreme 90 Day System. She said she got them from Bed, Bath & Beyond for super cheap a while ago. So, I decided "Why Not!?"
Here's what happened:

Supreme 90 Day - Total Body
Timer: 33:56
In Zone: 33:56
Avg BPM: 165
Peak BPM: 202
Calories: 568

Not too shabby, eh?! But here's the thing... I lOVEDit! You get to stop for breaks all the time and you can go at your own pace and it was only 30 minutes. But most of all the exercises were DIFFERENT! They are more like what I did when I was personal training. It was awesome. The burn was great! It definitely made my workout more interesting than usual. I mean it's not a super burn like my other DVD, but it was hitting the right spots. But it was quite challenging. Can't wait until it's easy for me! Oh and get this... most videos will let you wait at the main menu for as long as you want but this series does NOT. It's almost as if the DVD is making sure that you don't procrastinate your workout. lol. No chance to sit there and think about changing your mind.  :]  Too bad my tv, couch, and butt aren't in on it too. hahaha! Well, anyways... Gotta go to bed. See you soon!

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