Saturday, July 28, 2012

July 28th, 2012

Woke up this morning and knew I needed to get the lawn mowed if I was going to surprise my parents. They come home tomorrow. But Hallie and I had a hard time getting going. When I finally started getting ready Josh woke up. It was his day off today. He decided to go with me, so then I had to wait for him to get ready. He takes a while because he procrastinates and gets distracted a lot. lol. He asked if I wanted to drop Hallie off with his parents, but I said no because it's easier to work with her feeding schedule if she's with me. If I don't pump when she eats then I have to pump late and then I don't have enough when she's ready to eat again. It's just a huge mess for the rest of the day, and I just didn't want to deal with it.
But we did go over there. By the time we got started it was almost 11am. Not the most desired time of the day to mow your lawn in July when you live in Utah. The temp was at 98 degrees F today. Not fun when your shoving a large hunk of metal around. And according to the weather people the UV Index was Extreme(11). I don't really know what that means. But I can guess. By logical deduction I would say that it means that you have an Extreme risk of sunburn. Good thing I applied my SPF50 today.  :]  No burns on me as far as I can tell.
I was able to use my parent's lawn-mower this time though. I hate it. I like their old rusty one so much better. This Honda self-propelled one-pull start clipper is just way too complicated. I like simplicity. I like the good ol' days. I like the mower where I didn't have to worry about blade height, engine speed, the clutch, wheel speed, engaging the blades, or the throttle. You just yanked the cord until it started and held the bar down to go. This one was ridiculous. It was either up on two wheels dragging me through the yard or not mowing anything because I forgot to engage everything. I hate this new Beast of theirs. My lines were all over the place. I missed patches of grass everywhere. I kept getting drug through the trees and then snagged on the needles. The old one gave you a good workout, but this one feels like it might turn on you at any moment and eat you alive. I think I'll use the old one the next time I mow. Josh was very helpful today because he edged the yard for me. I really need to learn how to use a weedwhacker. But he was able to get that done pretty quick and then he spent the rest of the time sitting with Hallie in the shade of the tree, listening to music on his phone, and laughing at me being tortured by this machine. Hallie got hungry though and so he finished up the back yard for me while I fed Hallie. Thank goodness! I probably would've killed a chicken had I attempted the backyard. But he did it on a super fast speed and got it done in like 15 minutes! How on Earth is that possible?? It blew my mind. But then I took care of the pond and the chickens and put everything away and we packed up and came home.
I had my HR Monitor on only during the time that I mowed the front yard and these were my results:

Mowing the Lawn
Timer: 1:01:08
In Zone: 1:01:08
Avg BPM: 164
Peak BPM: 188
Calories: 1014

Now I'm really curious as to what it was when I used the other mower. Less? More? I don't know. And this isn't including the back yard. Hmmm??? I guess I have a few more months to find out.

We got home and Josh naturally ended up over at his parent's house. I decided to take over the Olive Oil we had borrowed and return it to them. While we were there they gave us rootbeer floats. I just can't pass up a Rootbeer Float. YuM!!! But it did make me a little queasy. I'm not used to eating icecream or drinking soda. It doesn't sit well with me. But I love the taste.

Then Josh and his Dad decided that they needed to go to Dick's to get archery equipment. His Mom asked if she could steal Hallie and go show her off in the mall, and I decided to go with because staying in Dick's without spending money would be horrible. Have I ever told you how much I love exercise clothing?? Let's just say a LOT! Plus, kids get germs and kidnapped in the mall so I just had to go with. We walked and walked and waited and waited for Josh and his Dad to finish up. The mall is not very much fun when you can't spend money.
When we got back Hallie was exhausted. So I fed her, changed her, and laid her down for a nap. Then I got ready to exercise. Because I decided who cares if Josh sees?? But as I was getting ready to fill my water jug in walked Josh's Dad. The more the merrier right? jkjk. Ya, we only have one room in the house where you can do anything, so it's where everything happens. I decided to commit like I promised myself I would and exercise anyways. They fixed up their bows and arrows with their new trappings in one half of the room while I did my workout in the other half. How embarrassing! Luckily, I had a tough workout yesterday and had already done a form of exercise this morning and chose to do an easy workout. But I wasn't sure which one I should do. I wanted to do one I hadn't done yet, but I only had 2 DVD's left from my mom that I hadn't tried. I chose the ab one because abdominal workouts are usually much shorter than full body workouts. And I was right! I was thrilled to see that it was only 16 minutes long! But don't let the length fool you. It was probably one of the toughest ab workouts I've done. My abdominals really had to fight through this one. I LOVED it! I will most definitely be doing this one again! But you reap what you sow...

Insanity - Cardio Abs
Timer: 16:45
In Zone: 16:45
Avg BPM: 149
Peak BPM: 185
Calories: 236

After I showered and fed Hallie and changed her again I tried working on some of the bills and stuff while Josh continued to mess around with his bow. Around 6:00 I decided I was hungry and I better cook something if I didn't want to starve. But I haven't been able to go grocery shopping in over a month, so our supply is getting a little low. I decided on some Rice-A-Roni, Smoked Lean Turkey Kielbasa, and random frozen veggies that were the last of the bag that I mixed together. I threw the Kielbasa on the grill, sauteed the rice, and steamed the veggies and then Hallie got hungry again. I fed her while everything was simmering and finishing up. But the timer went off before Hallie was done so I asked Josh to check on the food for me. He walked into the kitchen and yelled back "What do you want me to do?" Umm.. follow the next step on the box, stir the veggies, and flip the meat. He said he did and sat back down to watch his show. Once Hallie was done I walked in to find the veggies burning, the rice spilled all over the stove, and the meat overcooked. Really?? Ugh.
 I handed Hallie to Josh and asked him to finish burping her so that I could take care of the food. I tried to save as many little veggies as I could, put the rice back in the pan, and bring the meat in and cut it up and stir it into the rice. Then all of a sudden I realized the house was quiet. I walked around trying to find Josh to let him know that dinner was done, but he was nowhere to be found. I scowered the yard and found nothing so I decided to come in and I could hear my phone ringing. Next thing I know Josh walks in the front door. empty handed. I asked where Hallie was and he said that he left her over at his parent's house. Really?? Can't he just hold her for 5 minutes?! Every time I ask him to hold her he pawns her off. He is more than willing to hold her in front of people ( but not for very long before he hands her off), but he does not burp her for me. He just ends up propping her up next to him to watch tv or he lays her down somewhere. I feel like I'm better off just doing everything.
Needless to say, I was completely frustrated and exhausted once again. I really needed to workout or clean something. And since I had already exercised twice, I decided to clean. I did the dishes, carried the table to the basement, cleaned up most of the old dining room, and put the xbox on KSL for sale (which Josh promised to do 7months ago when he bought the new Stars Wars Xbox and PS3 against my wishes and I told him he needed to make up the monetary difference since we were expecting a baby).
Then his mom brought Hallie back over. I changed her, fed her, and burped her when Josh came in and said that he was going to go practice his shooting. I got Hallie ready for bed while he was out, and then he came back and sat down to watch tv again. While he was doing that I started responding to the messages I was getting about the Xbox. Josh got all excited and of course started thinking about getting a new bow for it. I told him NO. It was the Xbox he bought me for my birthday even though I don't play videogames. Then he claimed that he gave me his old one to replace that one so the Xbox in the bedroom is mine and this one is his. Seriously?? I feel like the Little Red Hen sometimes. I don't care what he says. We're not buying anothe bow or a shotgun with this money. I'm using it to pay the new doctor bill that just arrived. Aaargh! I need to clean something else now.
But I better head off to bed since it's past midnight already. He will either be the demise or the reason for me getting into shape. Because I react to stress in one of two ways: Eating or Exercising. But it usually ends up being the latter. But hopefully not anymore.

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