Thursday, January 17, 2013

12 week challenge, Day 8

12 weeks X 7 days/week = 84 days
84 days - 8 days = 76 days until the challenge is over!

Here's what I ate for my CHEAT DAY today:

probiotics + water
old fashioned oats + blueberries + agave +cinnamon
rice cakes + kashi cookie
chicken breast + bbq sauce + brown rice + butter spray + soy sauce + season salt + spinach + fat free dressing
kashi cookies
Mongolian Grill - chicken breast, celery, broccoli, water chestnuts, carrots, purple cabbage, canned pineapple, bokchoy, another really fibrous vegetable, mushrooms, tofu, sprouts, zucchini, nuts, lemon sauce, pineapple sauce, house sauce, and terriyaki sauce. oh ya and a fortune cookie for dessert.
Cadbury Mini Eggs
Protein Drink
That was one of my plates at Mongolian Grill. Looks tasty huh?!

Sorry, but I don't have any TOTALS for my food today because I have no idea what I consumed at Mongolian Grill. I just know for sure that I cheated on my nutrition!

I didn't wake up knowing that today would be my cheat day, but it soon became one. lol. Dang hormones screwing me all up. lol. Being a girl is no fun at all. And plus, I'm on Paragard so it's really no fun! 
But my parents called and asked if I wanted to go out to eat with them because they are leaving town tomorrow. I couldn't say no. So I said yes, and I decided to join them in the feast because they were going to my favorite restaurant. The Mongolian Grill. The one in Layton not Ogden. Huge Difference. It's kind of like a buffet, but slightly different. You grab a bowl and go through and throw whatever you want on your plate. The first time I did it I added noodles because it was like my subconscious thought it was mandatory since I was eating chinese food. But it's Not mandatory here. So, after my lovely Mother pointed that out to me because noodles fill you up way too fast I decided to skip them. Now I just fill .. well OVERfill my bowl with proteins and veggies. And then you add whatever oils or sauces you would like. And then you walk up to the counter and the guy throws it on this massive flat grill and tosses it around until it's done and then scoops it up and tosses it onto a plate and sends it back to you. It's so much fun! You get to make any creation you please and you can make it as healthy or unhealthy as you would like!  I lOVE it! So, my cheat meal wasn't actually all that bad. It had tons of veggies and protein. YaY! 

And tonight I made it to the gym! I still hurt from the burn, but now it's tolerable. And everyone was talking to me tonight. A lady who I had no idea who she was walked up to me and was like "You're Caraline right? I know your mother in-law. She says you're doing a competition. I just wanted to let you know that your arms are looking amazing!" How awesome huh?! And then a few other minor occurrences. But the main one that stood out tonight was this boy. He went to school with me from 5th grade - 12th grade. Did he talk to me? No. Did he date my best friend? Yes. Did I have a crush on him? Yes. Well, guess who walked up to me tonight and started talking to me?! Yep. Him! And he kept coming over and making little convos. He even came over and did some ab work on a ball while I was stretching out. And I kept catching him in the mirror staring at my tush. Hahaha. Yes, I was quite flattered. And the whole time my inner diva was dancing around, laughing, and chanting "Bet you wish you had me now!" Best part is, he's not as cute as he was back then. I am so much hotter than him! YES! In your face sucka! Ok, ok I'll be nice now. But I just had to gloat. This diet/workout is definitely paying off! Motivation for tomorrow attained!

TIME: 50:50
AVG BPM: 169

Oh and did I mention that today I actually took the time to stretch out after my workout? That is one of my goals: To start stretching after EVERY workout. I want lean sexy muscles. And my flexibility back. And I did a few extra small workouts too since I missed so many this week. But not a whole lot. Just a few.

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