Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Dr. Oz 3-Day Detox Cleanse, Day 2

I made it through one whole day! But today was even worse than the first.

I woke up starving!!! I was soooo hungry! I just wanted to eat anything and everything! But I made my tea and drank it. For some reason it didn't taste as good as the first day. Maybe it's because I wanted to eat Real food so bad. lol.
I wasn't able to eat my breadfast shake until after 10am because Hallie was being a pill. And I tried everything to get her to take her nap, but she just wouldn't. And by the time she did lay down for a few minutes I was too scared to start the blender because I didn't want to wake her. So, I didn't get my lunch shake until almost 3:30pm.
She was only down for a short little bit and so she was still being super needy when she woke up. I didn't get my snack shake until about 5pm. By then my throat was killing me, my body hurt, and my head felt like a bowling ball. I couldn't tell if it was part of the detox or if I was getting sick.
Josh came home and sat on the couch and started playing his games and so I was left to try and entertain Hallie still. So, I took her into the kitchen with me and we whipped up my dinner shake. But for some of it I really needed two hands so I asked Josh to play with her for a minute. He just sat her in her bouncer and let her cry. She Hates the blender. So I felt really bad when I started up the machine and she didn't have anyone to comfort her. She was scared to death all alone in her bouncer. I think she was afraid I was being attacked in the kitchen because even though she was petrified she was still trying to peak around the corner into the kitchen.
As soon as it was done I went into the living room and let her free on the floor. I sat down on the ground and began drinking my thick juice. She sat on the floor next to me and played with her toys. But within a couple of seconds I heard a ratta-tat-tat on the door. Josh jumped up from the couch, picked up Hallie, and answered the door. It was his parents. They came in and sat down on the floor and played with Hallie. Come to find out Josh had invited (aka asked) them to come over and play with Hallie. lol. But it was good because I was actually able to drink my shake and then his mom said that she was going to the gym at 8:30pm and invited to me to join her. I was hesitant because I had absolutely NO energy and I felt horrible. But I said I would because I wanted to try. I only drank half of my shake because I figured I shouldn't fill myself up too much because I didn't want to get sick at the gym. And I knew I couldn't have a protein shake afterward so this would have to be my recovery drink.
Josh was a little bummed when I left, but he let me go to the gym and watched Hallie. It was so nice of him. As soon as I got on the elliptical I knew it was going to be a rough workout. I wasn't sure if I'd even be able to finish the workout without passing out. haha. What was even worse was it hurt to breathe and my head hurt so bad that I could hardly think. The whole workout was miserable. But I made it through.
When I got home Hallie was in bed. It was a miracle! I was so extremely happy! I got everything prepared and I got my shake and went into the bathroom to take my shower. As soon as I got ready to get in Hallie woke up. Of course she would. But I decided that Josh needed some bonding Daddy time since I had put her to bed every night for the first 8months of her life. So I left them to tend to each other. And I actually had Lavendar Oil this time because my Mom let me borrow hers. This bath I decided to make warmer than the day before, but it still didn't get as warm as I was planning on. The problem is that there is no barrier between our tub and the frigid cold, open, and unfinished basement below. But at least it was warmer than the previous day.
But I didn't get to stay in for very long because I could hear Hallie screaming and crying and I could hear Josh pacing back and forth in front of the bathroom door. I stayed in just long enough to drink the last half of my drink. Which was pretty spicy. I still didn't have any Cayenne Pepper and I wanted something similar to it. So I used Crushed Red Pepper in it. It really wasn't bad at all when I first started drinking it. But after it had sat for 3 hours it had gotten spicy! Wowza. Make sure you drink the dinner shake as soon as you make it. lol. And when I started draining the tub to get out Josh knocked and said that Hallie needed me.
I didn't want to use chemical clad lotions on my now detoxed skin so I used my Vitamin E skin oil to moisturize my legs and arms. And I went out and had to take Hallie and try to get her to sleep. I threw on an oversized t-shirt and took her into her room and rocked her to sleep in the glider. After she fell asleep I got up and finished getting ready for bed. Josh was already in bed and so I picked up all of his dishes and washed them out, picked up his clothes off of the living room floor and put Hallie's stuff away. I finally climbed into bed sometime after 1am and fell asleep.
At 2am I awoke to Hallie crying in her crib. I layed there awhile waiting to see if she would go back to sleep. But it only got worse. So I finally just got up and fed her and put her back to bed. Around 3:30am I finally fell back asleep myself. At 5am she woke up again and we went through the same routine. It was a long night and I was really starting to feel like crap.

Day Two was the worst. I wanted to quit.

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