Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Dr. Oz 3-Day Detox Cleanse, Day 1

It is January 1st, 2013. And what better way to start off the new year than by a detox?! I know the first day of the year is just like any other day of the year, but it is a good mile-marker. I ate TONS of sweets and junk over the holidays, and my sweet tooth is out of control now! I hardly even eat normal food. I've just been eating sweets for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. No bueno. I have tried over and over to redo my diet, but the cravings always get the better of me. I am hoping that this detox will help me get back on track and lose some of those horrible cravings.
Also, I have been extremely tired and exhausted. I can hardly even drag myself out of bed in the morning when my 8-month old wakes up. Keeping up with her during the day is even a hassle. It has to be my diet because I'm even this way when I actually do get 8 hours of sleep (which is rare). So, I am hoping that this detox gives me some added energy.
One more thing... acne. I have had major outbreaks again. ugh. I hate acne. I thought I would have grown out of it by now. But I haven't. Neither has my Mom or older sister. Is it just in our genes?? Am I going to have to deal with it for the rest of my life??? I hope not. So, I'm crossing my fingers that this detox will get rid of all the toxins inside my body that could be causing the outbreaks.

8am  - This morning I woke up and wasn't hungry in the least. Probably because I stayed up until midnight stuffing my face. I think the idea of going three whole days without solid food freaked me out. It was like I was preparing for a death sentence and was trying to get in my last meal and make it last as long as possible. What is this addiction with food that I have??
I almost grabbed crackers for breakfast, but luckily I remembered that I was supposed to start today. So, I ran into the kitchen after nursing my daughter and put some water on the stove. Once it was boiling I poured it over my green tea bag and let it brew for a few minutes. While it was soaking, I cut up the lemon into slices to store in the fridge for easy access. Then I discarded of the tea bag and added 1tsp of Amber Agave Nectar. Dr. Oz's plan says to use Stevia, but I've heard mixed reviews about Stevia. And none of the products at the store were just stevia. I looked at the ingredient lists and they all had additional ingredients. So, I bought the two with the simplest forms. But then I decided just to use my agave because I trust it.
I usually don't care much for tea, but this one was actually delicious! I enjoyed drinking it. It was a little different at first, but the more I drank the more I loved it. And I ate the lemon slice because I love lemons and I figured it was just extra fiber for my cleanse. lol

9am  - I felt weird taking 1/2 my multivitamin. I've always just taken the whole thing. But it made sense. Your body only takes what it needs and then flushes the rest out. So, by taking half of the multivitamin you are allowing your body to consume the vitamins twice. And keeps your levels steady.
The naturalist who sold me my probiotics told me to always always always take my probiotic first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. So, having it after a meal was weird as well. I had to convince myself to trust Dr. Oz.
But I couldn't tell by his map if your supposed to take the supplements with a meal or in between the meals. So, I did my best to guess and since it was all by itself in between the drinks I took them with a glass of water in between my meals.

10am  - I made the breakfast shake, but was really worried about it because this whole detox thing had me shaking in my boots. I figured anything to do with detox was going to be nasty and brutal. But this shake was Oh so DeLicious! I luvd it. I wanted it to last forever.

12noon  - I went in to make my lunch drink and soon realized how much prep work went into it. Lots of peeling, cutting, and chopping. But after you do it the first time you'll have less to do on the second and third day.
I looked at the clock and realized that it was already 1:00pm and I had better put my lunch shake in a container and make my dinner and snack shakes to take with me to work. But I didn't have any Cayenne Pepper. When I did all my shopping for the detox I scoured the shelves forever trying to find some, but they didn't have any. So, I added some cinnamon instead because I figured the Cayenne Pepper was for your metabolism and I knew cinnamon was good for it too. But I really want to try the CP because I'm sure the spicy kick helps rid your body of toxins.
By the time I finished making the dinner shake I didn't have time to make a snack shake. So I bottled up my dinner shake and ran and got ready for work. I packed up Hallie's bag, said goodbye to my sick-with-the-flu husband and ran out the door.

3pm  - I got to work and realized I still hadn't eaten my lunch shake. So, I tried to get as much of it down as I could during Report. Oi Vay! I think I turned a little green. The whole shake was like 24oz and I got about 14 down. I didn't care much for the taste of this one. You can definately taste the celery and cucumber! Throughout my shift I managed to get the rest of it down by 6pm.

7pm  - I was feeling super hungry, but I had a lot of work to do. I'm a CNA/Med-Tech and I was busy busy busy. The cookies, chicken fajitas, and candies about did me in. But I held strong. I sat down for a couple of minutes and gulped down half of my shake. I wanted to drink the whole thing, but I knew that would make me crazy hungry later, so I only drank half.

9pm  - I felt a little funny, so I decided I had better check my bloodsugar since I am hypoglycemic. It was at 90. Not so good. I couldn't wait to drink the rest of my drink.

11pm  - I was finally done with my shift and could sit down for a minute or two, so I downed the other half of my drink because I was hungry and exhausted.

11:30pm  - After finishing everything up at work I had to drive home...

12midnight  - I dragged myself out of the car, opened the garage door and parked the car inside so Josh wouldn't have to scrape the windows in the morning. I walked in the house and Josh was laying on the couch watching old Pokemon shows from his childhood. ReallY??? wow. The house was a mess. I had to go through everything and make sure the milk was back in the fridge and the dishes were washed out. etc. etc.

12:30am  - convinced myself that in order for this detox thing to work I needed to do the detox bath. I didn't have any lavendar oil, so I didn't use any. And I only had 2 cups of Epsom Salt left, so that's all I used. As soon as I started the water I heard my baby start crying. But I decided that Josh was apparently feeling much better and there was a bottle of milk still in the fridge, so he could be a parent for a few minutes. Luckily, I had remembered to lock the door because every few minutes I could hear my baby's cries get louder and the door handle jiggle. Three-fourths of the way through my bath my brain started working again and I realized that in order for my pores to release the toxins my bath should probably be hot, so I changed the temp. But by then it was too late. So, my detox bath probably wasn't as hot as it should've been. Josh kept bringing my crying child up to the door so that I could hear her cry. Subtle huh? And it didn't help that I hadn't pumped or nursed in over 12 hours. OUCH! Finally he knocked and said that my baby needed me so my bath ended up being really short. Then to top it off, when I was trying to dry off he knocked again on the door and asked me to open it. So I did. There he stood holding my red, puffy-eyed, sniffling baby. Broke my heart completely. Apparently he had decided to make her wait for me to finish to feed her. While I was trying to hurry and put the coconut oil on my face before it dried out he started messing around and would hide her just out of my sight and see how loud she would scream and cry. Oh my word! it sounded like someone was being tortured to death in our house. So, I dropped everything and took my baby and went to the living room to feed her. I was still drenched, my hair wasn't combed, all I had on was my towel, and I hadn't applied lotion to my skin. So I was cold, wet, and shriveling up like a prune. It was miserable.

1:30am  - I went back into the bathroom with baby in arm and combed out my hair, brushed my teeth, cleaned up the bathroom, applied lotion and hung the towel up to dry.

2am  - I was still desperately trying to get my daughter to fall asleep.

I think I finally fell asleep around 2:30am.

Day One was rough.

Oh and I did weigh myself before I started.  121 lbs


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