Tuesday, October 23, 2012

October 23, 2012

I   am   soooo   tired ......   
I woke up at 4:30 am to go to the gym with Kallee this morning. It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have to stay up until 2am with Hallie. Holy cow. I just want to curl up in a little ball and take a nap. Oh my warm bed sounds so good right now.
But I actually woke up and worked out before the crack of dawn! I am now done for the day. I don't have to stress and worry all day about when I'm going to work out. This is an awesome system! I just need to go to bed earlier so that I'm not completely exhausted. I know that people don't think being a stay at home mom is tiring, but it is. I am exhausted ALL of the time. But I also work out more than most mommies do and I actually do go in and work a graveyard shift about once a week. I am just wearing myself a little thin. I need to make sure I sleep sometime.
And now the hardest thing I have to do today is Eat Healthy. I must I must I must! I want all of this hard work to pay off and it won't if I eat junk all day. So that is my goal today. Eat better than yesterday.
But I went and I tried out Body Combat at Gold's Gym this morning. It was really fun. I lOVE doing new workouts. It makes working out more suspenseful. You have no idea what to expect next. The only problem is that I am super uncoordinated. I never did dance as a little girl, so my arms move one way while my hips go in the opposite direction of my feet. lol. I felt like I spent more time trying to watch the instructor and figure out what she was doing more than anything else. But I think the more I go and learn the moves the easier it will be. I look forward to trying it out again.
And I don't know if it's the watch's fault or mine, but my watch did not start when it was supposed to. I remember pressing the button, but for some reason it didn't start. I looked down about 10 minutes into the class and realized it was not recording. NOOoooo!!! Oh well. Here are my stats for the rest of the class.
Body Combat - Gold's Gym
Timer: 43:06
In Zone: 43:06
Avg BPM: 164
Peak BPM: 193
Calories: 715

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