Wednesday, October 24, 2012

30 Day Shred

Alright, so I finally managed to do things a little different again. I was able to wake up and stay awake. Usually I end up falling in and out of sleep until about 11am. But I was able to wake up when I fed Hallie and then I stayed awake. When she went down for a nap I worked. It took me a few minutes to convince myself to do it, but I did it nonetheless.
Today I decided to do another Jillian Michaels video. I like her workouts because they are circuits. I feel like you get a better workout when you do circuits. It makes your HR go up and down and it confuses your muscles.

In this video you have to choose which level you want to do- 1, 2, or 3. I am the type of person that likes to take it as far as I can go. I don't go easy on myself. I immediately chose Level 3, and then decided I should do Level 1 because that's where you're supposed to start and I want to do it so that I can record it. So, I went back and chose Level One instead. It actually did kick my butt a little. Well, at least the strength parts of the circuits did. I was alternating between my 5lb and 10lb dumbbells. I did a majority of the video with the 5's because the 10's were just too hard. The first go of the first circuit I was able to crank out 20 regular pushups, but on the secod goaround I had to drop to my knees. It was just too much. :( There once was a time when pushups were too easy for me. But now I struggle. It's so sad. But it's ok because I am going to get into the best shape of my lifeJust one step at a time.

Jillian Michaels - 30 Day Shred
Timer: 27:28
In Zone: 27:28
Avg BPM: 159
Peak BPM: 192
Calories: 432

She does butt-kicks in the video and mentions how the girl is quite literally kicking herself in the arse. And that's what I do. That's what I've always done. I don't just kick my heels back. I kick them as far as I can get them to go. I push myself as hard as I can and then I push a little harder. Everyone has always called me a perfectionist, but I like to think of it as more like my best self. I don't settle, I can't settle, I won't settle for anything less. But I'm not perfect. And I'm definitely not at my best. I expect the best, but I give myself too much slack. Especially with my eating..

So far today:
2 cups steel cut oats + amber agave + frozen blueberries
3 mini cadbury eggs
4oz almond milk + 6oz water + 1/3cup Carnation Breakfast Essentials
2 cups steel cut oats + amber agave + frozen blueberries
2 mini cadbury eggs
Raspberry Zinger Tea + 1tsp Clover Honey
2 mini cadbury eggs
1.5 cups brown rice + .5 cup frozen corn + ICBINBVO Spray + Soy Sauce + Season Salt
2 Original Gardenburgers + 1tsp A1 Sauce + dijon mustard

I can't say it's been horrible. My portions have just been a little much and I should do without the candy. But it's hard breaking bad habits. And it's only 4:30pm. I think I might try cooking up some chicken tonight for dinner. But hopefully I don't mess up my progress. But at least I'm making an effort right now.

Until Tomorrow,

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